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Types and definitions

This section of documentation will describe everything about APIs, that can be provided by different peripherals and general information how to read function tables.

Take a note, that some peripherals (actually, a lot of them) will have extra functions besides supported APIs.

Parameters description

Functions defined like call_name(required_arg_1: arg_type_1, required_arg_2: arg_type_2, optional_arg: arg_type_3). Some types will have additional limitations, like "only positive numbers", or "only numbers in specific range". In case when limitations are not met, function will throw exception.

New data types

Mostly this sections contains enums, that are need to be passed as strings. Enums are case-insensetive, so you can pass them as you want.

Name Lua type Limitations
interactionMode string Enum with values: any, block, entity
direction string Enum with values: up, down
Result boolean, string? -
Result[T] T?, string? -

Interaction mode

All functions, that accept interactionMode as arguments, work with objects in line of sight. They will take as target the first object, that they found. You can force this functions to work only with blocks, or only with entities.


You can get available interactionMode for specific APIs on peripheral documentation page. All available values is both, entity and block


Pretty important to note that a lot of entity interaction will be limited to specific entities. For example, Husbandry Automata Core allows to works only with animals. Always checks peripheral documentation page to understand its limitation with entities.


All functions, that accept direction as arguments, work with objects in line of sight. You can use this argument to change line of sight and fake peripheral player will begin to start to look down (or up).


Result are always representing result of called operation. First argument will tell you is operation was successful and second one will tell you reason why operation is failed.

Result can also be parametrized, for example as Result[number], which means it will return operation result as first argument (or nil) and as second argument it will tell you reason why operation is failed.



Before 1.19.4, ItemQuery type did not exist, so instead of it you can use only the string version of this argument

ItemQuery is a powerful argument, that is supposed to help you build filters for items, extracting them in a more precise way, than just item ID.

You can pass to an argument, that has type ItemQuery a string, and it will become just a regular item ID filter.

But you can also pass a table

    nbt = "<item nbt hash>",
    tag = "minecraft:lapis_ores",
    displayName = "Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore",
    name = "minecraft:deepslate_lapis_ore"

A table can have zero or more keys and all of them will be required from the item at once. So, for example, if you want to search for a written book with the name "Small and Big Owls", you can pass next itemQuery

    name = "minecraft:written_book",
    displayName = "Small and Big Owls"


BlockPos is just generic table with three requied fields - x, y and z. So, something of this will be enough:

    x = 5,
    y = 7,
    z = 8


In most cases block pos is expected to be relative to the target peripheral like in scan API


BlockState is a type that is used to build block states that should be mimicked. It is a very complex and context-dependent type, so if you experiment with it, you should be prepared to face a lot of Lua exceptions.

Let's start with the basics. If you want to just mimic block, you can use {block = "minecraft:oak_log"} to mimic block by ID. There are a number of extra attributes that you can use to modify block logic.

Okay, but what if you want to make a rotated block that you mimic, for example, if the block is minecraft:oak_stairs. Parameter attrs will allow you to send desired block state values. So, for example, if you want stairs facing east, you can just send {block="minecraft:oak_stairs", attrs={facing="east}}. All block state values can be changed via attrs attribute, so feel free to use it from time to time.


ItemStack is representing pure minecraft stack. So item identification with count. It can be just pure string that represents item id, in this case count will be set 1. Or it can be a table {item = "minecraft:stick", count = 2}, in table count field is also optional and will be 1 by default


RML is an acronym for Render Markup Language and is just a string with a list of specific instructions. Instructions should be separated via ;

There are several instructions available right now:
- t(x, y, z): shifts all render to assigned coordinates. Take note, that if you rotate the render, coordinates will shift places.
- r(axis, angle, x, y, z): basically a rotateAround function, when the axis can be x, y or z, the angle can be any value in degrees, and x, y and z are coordinate of rotation center. So if you want to rotate the block around the center, you probably need to do something like: r(y, 90, 0.5, 1, 0.5)
- s(x, y, z): scales render.

So, for example, if you want to rotate the render around the x axis and then scale it, you should pass r(y, 90, 0.5, 1, 0.5);s(1, 2, 1).