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SirEdvin's Cloud Solutions

Tired of too bare metal world of CC:T? What your own database to be reliable no matter what2? What some block draw charts for you1? Then get ready for SirEdvin's Cloud solutions, mod that designed to provide you with all this crap:

  • Open yourself to a bunch of cross-dimensional cloud databases: KV and Timeseries3
  • Server owners can allow uses to build their dashboards on top of cloud databases, that would be accessable from real world3
  • Ask server owners to configure StatsD bridge and send metrics from your computers to real worlds
  • And much more to come, if you have ideas, please, open an issue

  1. This feature is in development now, sorry for this :) 

  2. Well, every peace of data still hosted on same machine as minecraft server, so please, take this to account 

  3. This feature now in development