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Experience APIΒΆ

This API is dedicated to XP manipulations: collecting it, moving out/to player and store it inside turtle.


Before 1.0.0, due to ComputerCraft limitations all stored XP will be lost if you unequip turtle upgrade.

Function Returns Description
getStoredXP() number Returns amount of stored XP
getOwnerXP() number Returns amount of owner XP
collectXP() number Collects XP in interactionRadius around turtle. Returns amount of collected XP
suckOwnerXP(limit: number) Result[number] Tries to get XP from turtle owner not more that provided limit (but can be less). Returns XP amount that was obtained from owner
sendXPToOwner(limit: number) Result[number] Tries to send XP to turtle owner not more that provided limit (but can be less). Returns XP amount that was sent to owner
burnXP(limit: number) Result[number] Tries to transform XP to fuel not more that provided limit (but can be less). Returns XP amount that was transformed to fuel